1000 symbols: what shapes mean in art and myth

1000 symbols: what shapes mean in art and myth


1000 symbols: what shapes mean in art and myth


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1000 Symbols traces and reveals the historical and cross-cultural significance of 1000 commonly recognized symbols. Heaven and earth - all the symbols for the world around us: earth, air, fire, and water, as well as times of day or month, and the identities and symbolic role of the planets. Characters and people - all the symbolism attached to specific characters or to people and their attributes. Living creatures - the symbolism of animals, birds, fish, and insects. Mythical beasts - monsters from the myths and legends of all cultures, including hybrids such as the centaur. Flowers, plants, and trees- the symbolism of different species from the oak to the daisy. Objects and Artifacts - manufactured objects of symbolism, from the Buddhist mystic knot to the labyrinth. Abstracts - the key symbolic attributes of numbers, colors, shapes, and letters in a variety of cultures and contexts. Symbols are an international language, but that language is far from universal. Different symbols mean radically different things in different contexts - a cross, a crane, and a swastika each have a distinct meaning for a Buddhist, an art historian, or a student of the occult. 1000 Symbols offers a comprehensive dictionary of symbols placing each one in its historical and cultural context. Beginning with an alphabetical, cross-referenced index, the book is then organized into groupings of related symbols: Geometrical Shapes-circle, square, triangle, pentagram, crescent, and spiral are just a few of the entries. The Universe and the Elements includes all the symbols for the world around us-earth, air, fire, and water, as well as times of day or month, and the planets. Characters and People details the symbolism attached to specific characters or to people and their general attributes. Living Creatures denotes the symbolism of animals, birds, fish, and insects. Flowers, Plants, and Trees highlights the symbolism of growing things, from the oak to the lotus. Mythical Beasts contains beasts from the myths and legends of all cultures, including hybrids such as the centaur. Objects and Artifacts includes made or manufactured objects of symbolism, from knot to labyrinth. Numbers and Colors outlines their symbolic attributes in different cultures and contexts. Whether you are baffled by the relevance of the winged staff held by Mercury in a classical
1000 symbols: what shapes mean in art and myth
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